Add Users

Adding users is quite simple and can be achieved by following these steps : 

  1. Login to the dashboard ( )

  2. On the main panel on the left side, click on settings. 

  3. Under general settings, select ‘Manage Team’.

  4. Enter the email address of the member you want to add under the ‘Add Member’ section. 

  5. Select the role you wish to assign the new member : Owner or Member (Owner has access to all the settings and the dashboard, while the member can view and use the dashboard only)

  6. Select the location. 

  7. Click on ‘invite member’. An email invitation will be sent to the new member. Ask them to check spam in case they are not able to find the email invitation.

  8. Upon receiving the Email invitation, the member will be asked to accept it. Once accepted they will be taken to where they will be prompted to create an account.  

  9. If the member already exists they will not receive the invitation. 

  10. You can check the status of the members under ‘Status’. They can be either Active or Inactive. Active members have created an account upon receiving the invitation and inactive members have not. 

  11. You can choose to Resend the invite to Inactive members by clicking on ‘Resend Invite’ under Actions. 

Manage Users

To manage the members you can do the following - 

  1. Under the list of team members, Go to actions and select the three dots below which correspond to the user you wish to manage.

  2. Click on ‘Delete User’ if you wish to delete a member. 

  3. To manage member notifications click on ‘Manage Notifications’. 

  4. You can select or deselect the notifications that you wish to assign the members just the way it is displayed in the image below.