You can find ‘calls’ on the left side main panel. This section will allow you to track your performance and metrics. 

When the calls page opens you will be able to see two columns: Performance and metrics. 

When you click on performance the first thing you will see is the Incoming calls and outgoing calls statistics. 

Below the incoming and outgoing statistics is a section called ‘My recent calls’. On the top right side of this section, you will see 2 more columns: ‘Missed calls’ and ‘all calls’. In both these sections, you will be able to see the name of the customer, type of call, Call note if any, Recording and Time. 

  • The type of call would be either incoming or outgoing. 
  • If you had added any notes during the call you would see it under Call Note.
  • If you had recorded the call you can find it under recordings. 
  • Time is the date and time of the call.

Under the Metrics section, you can see Call stats and call counts. 

Call stats include Average wait time, Longest Wait time, Average handle time, and average talk time. 

Call counts include - Total calls, incoming, outgoing, and missed calls.