On clicking ‘contacts’ in the main panel a drop-down with three items will appear: All contacts, Lists and Blocked Contacts. 

  1. All Contacts : 

  • When you select ‘All contacts’ you will see the contacts window open up. 
  • The main panel on the top shows the total number of contacts. 
  • Below the main panel is the search box. Here you can search for contacts either by ‘Name’, ‘phone’, or ‘email’. 
  • Below the search box is where you can see all your listed contacts.
  • Beside the search box on the right side you can see three buttons: Add to list, Edit columns, and Add new. 
  • ‘Add to list’ is clickable only when you select contacts from the list. To select all contacts select the box on the left of the column ‘First name’. To select a particular contact select the box corresponding to the desired contact. You can select more than one contact. 
  • After selecting the contacts click on ‘Add to list’. 
  • A box will appear prompting you to choose/type the list to which you want to add the contact. 
  • Beside the Add to list button is the ‘Edit columns’ button. Click on Edit columns if you want to add more columns to the contact list. A box will appear where you can search the property you want to add to the list. Once decided, select the property and click apply. 
  • The ‘add new’ button on the right of ‘edit column’ will allow you to add new contacts. 
  • On clicking ‘add new’ you will see: Create contact and Import Contact
  • If you select Create contact you will be able to manually add a new contact. 
  • A box will appear where you can fill in the contact details, click on ‘add contact’, and have your contact added. 
  • If you select ‘Import contacts’ a pop-up will appear with a ‘Select File’ button. Click on Select File, add an existing CSV or XLSX file with the contacts you wish to import. 
  • After selecting a file another pop-up box will appear where you will be able to map the columns of the File to the Emitrr properties. Once done click on the declaration and select add. Congratulations, your contacts are now added!