You can find Surveys in the Main panel on the left just below ‘Contacts’. 

Surveys help you send Surveys to patients or customers to gather information about the customer experience. This will help you provide better experiences to the customer. 

  • When you select ‘Surveys’ the survey page will open. The topmost panel on the page will display the number of survey forms you have created. 
  • Under the topmost panel, on the right-hand side is the ‘create survey’ button. Click on it to create a new survey. 
  • When you select it a pop-up will appear. It will ask you to choose your preferred method of survey delivery i.e: Web Survey and Conversational. 
  • With Web survey, you will be able to deliver the survey via text or email with the survey in the form of a link. Conversational delivery which is yet to be live will use 2-way text messaging and send one question at a time. 
  • When you select ‘Web Survey’ you will be taken to a new page. Here you can start creating a new survey form. 
  • To name the new survey form, click on Untitled Survey and type in your preferred name. To give the survey a short description, select ‘Add survey description here’  and write the desired description. 
  • To start with the survey questions select ‘ Add Question’ located below the survey description. You will see that a drop down menu with the following options will appear : 

  1. Multiple Choice
  2. Checkboxes
  3. Long/Short Answer
  4. Linear Scale
  5. Multiple Choice Grid
  6. Checkbox grid 

  • If you wish your survey questions to be in the form of Multiple Choice select Multiple Choice. 
  • A pop-up box will appear where you can type the question which you wish to add to the survey. To add the choices to the corresponding question fill in the blanks named ‘Option 1’ ,’ Option 2. If you wish to add more choices select ‘+’ beside Option 2. To remove the option select ‘-’. 
  • Once you’ve added all the details of the question click on ‘Accept’
  • Checkboxes are similar to multiple-choice questions. 
  • If you want customers to add a detailed answer to a question, select long/short answer. Type your question and select ‘Accept’. 
  • Linear Scale includes Start property, which for eg could be the worst rating, and end property which would be the best rating. Customers will have to choose a number within this range. 
  • For Multiple choice grids, you can fill in the row properties and column properties. If you wish to add or reduce columns and rows click on + and - respectively. Once done click accept. 
  • Similarly for Check box grids fill in the row and column properties and finish by clicking on 'accept'. 

To add more questions select ‘ Add questions’ along with the type of question. 

You will be able to see beside each question box 4 actions: Move question up, Move question down, Edit question and Remove Question. 

Once done with the Survey you have 3 options : Cancel, Update and Exit and Distribute. 

To send the survey select Distribute. After selecting Distribute you will be taken to the Survey Preferences page. Here you will go through 3 steps : 

Step 1 : Select Survey Preferences 

Here you will see that the Survey Form is already selected. 

Next is the option to choose the method of survey delivery. This could be either, text, email or both. 

Next you will choose a template for the message that will contain the survey link. You can choose a template by clicking on the pencil icon. Once selected you can preview the message by clicking on the eye icon. 

Click on ‘Next’ to move on to the next page. 

Step 2 : Select List 

In this step you will be selecting the list of contacts to which you wish to send the survey. The drop down menu will show all the available lists. You can choose one from the list. Once done select ‘Next’. 

Step 3 : Schedule Survey 

Here you will choose if you wish to send the survey Immediately or Later. If you choose later, you need to set the Days, Hours and Minutes from which you want to send the survey. Next select ‘Finish’. 

If you want to send the survey immediately choose that from the option and select Finish. 

If you do not wish to send the survey form and just save it you can select ‘Save and Exit’ after creating the form. You will be taken back to the main survey page. 

Under the create Survey button is the list of all the surveys you would have created. 

You can select the survey by either clicking on the Survey name or the three dots on the extreme right corresponding to the survey. You will see 2 options after clicking on the dots : Edit/view metrics and duplicate. 

By selecting duplicate you will be able to duplicate the form.