Under reputation you can find 2 sub-sections in the main panel: Reviews and Review Invites

Upon selecting reviews you will be able to see all the reviews left by your customers for your business. The top panel will show you the total number of reviews received, along with the average rating received. 

  • Beneath the top panel, you will find all the reviews you have received across Facebook and Google. These reviews will display the name of the reviewer, the rating they left, and the review.

  • Underneath each review, there is a ‘reply/edit reply’ button. To leave a reply to the review received select ‘reply’ and type in your message. Once done click on ‘Done’. If you’ve already left a reply you will see that the button says ‘edit reply’. Select ‘edit reply’ if you want to change your response. Once done select ‘Done’. 

If you select the sub-section Review Invites you will be able to see all the invites you have sent for review. Or in other words, you will be able to see the review requests. 

  • On the top panel, you will see the total number of review requests that have been sent.

  • Underneath the top panel is more detailed information about the review requests sent.

  • The attributes include First name, Last Name, Phone number, Link Clicked, Negative Review, and Review Sent.

  • Link Clicked shows the number of times the recipient has clicked on the review request link that you have sent.

  • If a customer has left a negative review you will be able to see the review under ‘negative reviews’.