General Settings:

Under general settings, you can find Integrations, Web Chat, Manage Team, FAQ’s and Edit Followups.

When you select Integrations the first thing you will be prompted to do is select a location. To select location go to the main panel by clicking on the three horizontal lines on the top left. The main panel will open. You can find the location search bar here. Select your preferred location and you will now be able to see the integrations which have been integrated. 

Wechat contains the option to enable chat widgets on your website. On the webchat page, you will be able to see the check box for enabling live chat on your website. Select or deselect the checkbox according to your preference. 

Manage Team - (See here

FAQ’s section is where you can train your bot to answer questions. Once you open the FAQ's page you will see an option to add a question. After selecting ‘add question’ you will be prompted to Enter a question and its corresponding answer. Once done click on ‘add’. You will be able to see a question list with the question and answer you entered. Here you can add more FAQ’s by clicking on ‘add FAQ’ and repeating the above steps or choose to ‘Train Bot’ with the existing questions. 

Edit Followups allows you to add follow-up questions. You can add as many Follow up questions as you like. To add a follow-up question select the ‘add follow up’ button. 

A pop-up box will appear where you can add the text of the follow-up message. You will also be able to set the number of days from which you wish to send the follow-up message. Once done select the ‘Create Follow up’ button.