Business Settings: 

The business settings include the Greeting and Bot settings. When you select the Greeting and Bot settings you will be prompted to select a location. To select a location, go to the main panel by clicking on the three horizontal lines on the top left. Go to the location search bar and choose the desired location.  


On the greeting and bot settings page, you will see the option to add 2 welcome texts. The first welcome text is for when you miss a customer’s call. The second one for when you miss two consecutive calls in a short period of time without any response. 

These texts are sent immediately after the missed call. 

Beneath the Welcome text is Voicemail. This is where you can decide what your customers would hear when you miss a call. You will see that the voicemail drop-down menu contains three options: Text, Record, and Upload.

If you select the ‘Text’ Option you will be prompted to write the voicemail text that the customer would hear after missing the call. This means that the voicemail text will be read by an automated voice. 

If you select the ‘Record’ option, you will be able to record the voicemail message you wish the customer to hear upon missing the call. 

If you select ‘Upload’ you will be able to upload an existing recording by selecting the ‘Upload Recording’ button. 

Beneath the Voicemail set up is the ‘Set working hours’ section. This is where you can establish the working hours where your customer will be able to reach you.