Overview: With the new HubSpot Contact Data Sync feature, you can now sync custom properties in real-time via webhooks from HubSpot to Emitrr. This feature is available for HubSpot Enterprise plan users and helps ensure that your contact data remains up-to-date across platforms.

Steps to Sync Custom Properties:

  1. Log in to HubSpot:

    • Go to your HubSpot account.

    • Navigate to Automation > Workflows.

    • Click Create Workflow from Scratch.

    • Start with a blank workflow and click Next.

    • Name your workflow (e.g., "Data Sync with Emitrr").

  2. Configure Mapping in Emitrr:

    • Log in to your Emitrr account.

    • Go to Integration under Settings.

    • Create the mapping for the custom properties you wish to sync from HubSpot to Emitrr.

  3. Create the Workflow in HubSpot:

    • In the workflow, under Triggers, select the event and property.

    • Set the property value to “Known.”

    • Add additional criteria for the same property, setting the value to “Unknown.”

    • Repeat for First Name, Custom Property, and Phone Number.

  4. Set Up the Action:

    • In the workflow, add an action.

    • On the left-hand panel, click Data Ops and select Send a Webhook.

    • Choose POST as the method.

    • Use the webhook URL provided in Emitrr instructions.

    • Copy this URL and paste it into HubSpot.

  5. Configure Authentication:

    • Under Authentication Type, select “Include request signature in the Header.”

    • Enter the App ID from Emitrr in the App ID field.

  6. Customize the Request:

    • Select the properties specified in the trigger. Ensure that Record ID is included.

    • Continue mapping the same properties: First Name, Phone Number, and Custom Property.

  7. Save and Publish:

    • Click Save.

    • Publish the workflow and turn it on.

    • The custom properties will now sync to Emitrr according to your mapping.

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